
I'm trying to use virt-manager with my account instead of raising its
privilate to root level when asked by PolicyKit. Everything works OK, except
the bridged networking part.

I would like to setup bridged networking without needing root privilate. For
this, a service script creates tap interfaces from virtual0 up to virtualN
at system bootup, all owned by group "kvm",  and all bridged to bridge
interface bridge0. Bridge0, as you might expect, also contains the physical
ethernet interface, which is eth0. Thus, everything is ready, a guest
process having kvm group membership just needs to bind itself to one of
those virtualX interfaces. Here's an example output of brctl show :

bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces
bridge0         8000.0018f39d6efc       no              eth0

A typical qemu line, with manual MAC address assignment and virtio support
would contain the following network related options to enable this way of

-net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=ee:ee:ee:ee:ee:10,model=virtio -net

This way, qemu-kvm launches, opens the virtual1 interface and assigns it to
the guest. virtual1 is already bridged to the physical interface, thus
everything runs OK.

 How can I accomplish this with virt-manager? Would it be possible by
hand-manipulating the XML config file? Would it be worth adding to

Thanks beforehand for any comment,

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