trying to power on and off a qemu guest from within cobbler gui.
As I received an error, I tried with the virsh command to see what is wrong.
in cobbler system name config I have
power type: virsh
power id: ktest (that is my system name)

no other parameters.
cobbler server is the same as the qemu/kvm host.
sync command already run

[r...@virtfed ]# cobbler system poweron --name=ktest
DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead
  import md5
cobbler power configuration is:

      type   : virsh
      user   :
      id     : ktest

- /usr/bin/virsh --connect qemu://localhost/system start ktest
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor
[here Ctrl+c pressed to stop the loop]

The command virsh itself gives the same problem if run directly as:
/usr/bin/virsh --connect qemu://localhost/system start ktest
error: failed to connect to the hypervisor

while it succeeds if run as:
/usr/bin/virsh --connect qemu:///system start ktest
Domain ktest started

so it seems that the triple / is different form localhost?????

But the strangest thing is that while trying to discover how
differently is it interpreted the triple / I found that the same
command using localhost succeeds if run with "-d"......:

/usr/bin/virsh -d --connect qemu://localhost/system start ktest
Domain ktest started

The system is F11 x86_64 with:

Do I have to bugzilla libvirt for this?
Should it be localhost managed differently that ///?


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