I have a G4 QuickSilver (2001) running Mac OS X 10.2.6. I installed ethereal 0.9.13-1 using Fink Commander.
In Terminal when I type ethereal (as suggested in the man page) all I get is
Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:.

The warning message occurs no matter which display is made the main one.
I have two displays on the G4 -
(0) an Apple 17" LCD Studio Display and
(1) a 19" CRT Samsung SyncMaster 950p.

The video card is the standard one supplied by Apple - NVidia Geforce2 Twin View to which both displays are connected.

Please point me at the correct documentation to help track this down as I know nothing about GTK+ (except that it is a library). Seems like I need to do some configuring here.

I am comfortable enough with a command line approach even though Unix is a long ago memnory (which is becoming rapidly refreshed) ;-}

TIA and


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