On Fri, Jan 03, 2003 at 11:07:04PM +0800, Say Kiat Tan wrote (in HTML,
which my mail reader doesn't handle, so I had to save the mail and
remove the HTML tags):
> I ftp'ed into ftp.ethereal.com using anonymous login.
> But I couldn't locate the executable.

(I assume by "the executable" you mean the Windows installer executable.)

> Mind letting me know the full path?

Well, the HTTP path is


and the FTP and HTTP directories are similar, so the FTP URL for it
would be


so if you log into "ftp.ethereal.com", you'd get it from

Note, though, that there apparently is a version of the "wget" tool for
Windows, which can fetch files by URL - HTTP or FTP - and should do a
better job of not mangling files than some browsers.  I'll have to see
if I can find that version of "wget" (or find the mail where somebody
indicated that it existed, as they may have said where it was), and
update that FAQ.

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