On Friday, August 1, 2003, at 2:50 AM, Deng, Luke Hao (Luke) wrote:

Yes. In ethereal, protocol tree of frame 22 is printed very well.

That's odd. It's behaving as if, on the first time the packet is dissected, it recognizes it as an H.245 packet if it's not building a protocol tree but not if it is, but after that, it recognizes it as H.245 even if it's building a protocol tree.

Ethereal 0.9.14 has an H.245 dissector built into it, and the current CVS version of Ethereal has an H.225 dissector built into it; it might be interesting to try your capture with Ethereal 0.9.14.

Ronnie Sahlberg and/or Andreas Sikkema might also be interested in seeing the capture, as well as other H.225 and H.245 captures you have, to test the new dissectors; I might be interested as well, to add them to my collection of captures for testing.

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