Currently I don't believe that RTT (SRT, or "Service Response Time) is reported by the HTTP dissector, nor by the large majority of protocol dissectors. It definitely wasn't supported in 0.9.9.

At some point I'd like to start walking back through some of the more "popular" dissectors (or better yet, all the ones where this info is meaningful) and adding this calculation as it can be an extremely useful statistic (as well as potentially misleading).

If you can isolate conversations and never have overlapping requests, the info you're looking for should be extremely easy to get. One of the folks spend more time extracting statistics like this would probably give you a better answer than I will, however =)


On Tuesday, September 23, 2003, at 03:42 PM, Stefan Auweiler wrote:


I have a really big snoop, from where I have report the HTTP round trip

I filter on (http.request or http.response) to get a list of all related

How can I get the following Information (best in a list, one line per
conversation) for each conversation:

- Starttime

- Endtime

- GET url

- User-Agent info from HTTP header

Can one point me on a tool or a way to do this?

Thanks in advance.
(using ethereal 0.9.9 on windows)

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