In principle it should work, although I have not tested it. The trick with redundancy is, that the number of visible slaves and the order of packet traversal must not change when a single link is destroyed.

You are quite correct in the assumption that redundancy is transparent to the application. The status is only required to report a redundant state or not, otherwise redundancy would be useless to the user. The state is not required by the application to select another source/destination of data.

- Richard

PS. I just love your ascii art ;) Monospace font, yeah!

On 27.02.2015 05:28, Gavin Lambert wrote:

I have a question regarding support for cable redundancy in the stable-1.5

I know that it has options for enabling a "backup" network port on the PC
and connecting the end of a single chain to this port.  Presumably this is
mostly transparent to the application code (although it can query for

Does it also support redundant tree links similarly?

Eg. PC ---- SL1 --- SL2 --- SW --- SL3 --- SL4 -+
      |                      | |                 |
      |             +- SL5 --+ +-- SL8 -+        |
      |             |                   |        |
      |             +- SL6 ------- SL7 -+        |

I know I've seen a diagram like this with an internal ring on a tree branch
somewhere, although I'm having trouble locating the reference now.  Maybe
this is a feature of the switch slave rather than of the master?

Gavin Lambert

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Mit freundlichem Gruß

Richard Hacker


Richard Hacker M.Sc.
Tel.: +49 201 / 36014-16

Ingenieurgemeinschaft IgH
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