SDOs are just objects that can be accessed via acyclic (mailbox) transfers.  
Typically (if the slave supports CoE) all PDOs can be accessed as SDOs (though 
usually there’s little point) but only some SDOs can be accessed as PDOs.


Most of the time SDOs are used purely for configuration – values that you want 
to set once on startup and never change again.  For this case, simply use the 
ecrt_slave_config_sdo* family of functions during the configuration phase (when 
you’re registering PDOs) and the library will take care of sending this to the 


The ecrt_sdo_request family of functions are for the other kind of SDO access, 
where there is something that you want to read or modify during live operation. 
 This is rarer (except for things like diagnostic monitoring) as typically live 
changes are done via PDOs instead.  But sometimes these can be useful if it’s 
only extremely rare that you want to change something so you don’t want to 
“waste” space in the normal domain transfer.


An SDO transfer will take multiple cycles to execute (absolute minimum is about 
3, but it usually takes more); each slave can only process one transfer at a 
time; and the master has a small limit on the number of concurrent transfers it 
will actually issue, although it can hold extras in a queue.


From: etherlab-users [] On Behalf Of 
John Hubbard
Sent: Friday, 18 December 2015 11:42
Subject: [etherlab-users] EL6688 SDOs



I've not gotten my Beckhoff EL1252 and EL2252 modules mostly working (I've 
still got some confusion WRT distributed clocks, and I'm still seeing the 
warnings/errors I mentioned the other day).  I'm now working on trying to get 
the EL6688 module (IEEE 1588/Precision Time Protocol) up and running.  From my 
reading of the Beckhoff documentation I'm under the impression that most of the 
setup options (e.g. Ethernet configuration and PTPv1 vs PTPv2 mode) need to be 
setup via SDOs instead of PDOs.  (Is this what others would expect?)  For 
reference I've attached the full SDO dictionary that I obtained via 'ethercat 

I'm a little unclear what the difference between SDOs and PDOs is.  Is the 
difference just the PDOs can be read/written every cycle, while SDOs can only 
be read/written when ecrt_sdo_request_state ==> EC_REQUEST_SUCCESS (following 
an ecrt_sdo_request_write when the state is UNUSED)?  Is there a limit to how 
many SDOs I can request writes per cycle?  From the example it looks like 
writing an SDO is done using the same macro as writing a PDO (i.e. 
EC_WRITE_U32(some_sdo)), is that correct?  

>From the mailing list it looks like there was someone that attempted to use an 
>EL6688 module back in 2010.  Has anyone used one more recently (i.e. with 
>etherlabs 1.5), and if so do they have any code snippets that they would be 
>willing/able to share?  


To be or not to be, that is the question
                2b || !2b
(0b10)*(0b1100010) || !(0b10)*(0b1100010)
        0b11000100 || !0b11000100
        0b11000100 ||  0b00111011
255, that is the answer.
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