First off, note that using printfs inside your cyclic task is going to kill 
your latency.  By itself this shouldn’t cause any issues with SDOs, unless it’s 
sufficient to trigger the timeout.


The master does support a limited number of concurrent SDO requests, provided 
that they are always to different slaves.  By default it will only process up 
to 16 concurrent requests at a time, however.  So if you might have larger 
networks it’s a good idea to allow some downtime, perhaps only scheduling a 
read request once per second or even slower (depending how many slaves you have 
and how often you really need the data).


I didn’t spot anything obviously wrong in your code.  To diagnose further you 
should probably set “ethercat debug 1” and then examine your syslog after 
running your application; this will contain additional information about the 
progress of requests.


Another thing you might want to consider is trying out the unofficial patchset 
this includes a number of patches to enhance mailbox stability and increase 
slave concurrency.


From: Jordan Palacios
Sent: Wednesday, 30 August 2017 02:03
Subject: [etherlab-users] Multiple SDO requests


Dear Etherlab users,


I have a setup with some Elmo Gold boards where I wish to access some data 
objects that unfortunately are not mappable. The information from these data 
objects is not really required each cycle, though it should be requested 


I'm attaching a sample test code where I try to read the same data object in 
three different slaves each cycle. The result is that the sdo request for the 
third slave is never successful.


It is as if the master could not serve more than one SDO request at a time. Is 
this correct? I am doing something wrong?


Kinds regards.



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