There isn't any built-in support for this.  However it's a fairly standard
autotools package so you can follow generic instructions for building a deb
or whatever from an autotools makefile, for the most part.


Bear in mind that you need to make sure to build against the kernel headers
from the target system, which might be different from your development
system.  If the two systems are too far different you might have issues with
shared libraries as well.  Consider building using a cloned chroot of the
target system, although that can bring its own set of hassles.


You'll want to read up instructions for building a deb from autotools
elsewhere, but there are two key commands that will end up part of it

*       DESTDIR=/some/path make install  (will install the user tools to the
specified directory as if it were the root)
*       INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/some/path make module_install  (will install the
kernel modules similarly)


These will get you a directory containing the files that need to be
installed, which will be an input to any of the packaging systems.  Or you
can just tar it up and install it manually if you prefer.


From: Jiarui Lian
Sent: Saturday, 2 December 2017 08:43
Subject: [etherlab-users] How to make ipk/deb package for IgH EtherCAT


Hi everyone, here is my scenario:

*       I want to cross-compile the IgH EtherCAT Master on powerful linux
host, as it is faster! 
*       (And I finished cross-compile on host: "make, make modules")
*       Then I want to make an .ipk or .deb packages, to be copied/installed
on embedded target.
*       So how to make .ipk/.deb package for IgH EtherCAT Master?





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