Hallo Mr Zeilhofer,

we strictly separate GUI from real time program and communicate between
a realtime process as the data producer and clients like GUI as multi
consumers by a network protocol. This protocol separates parameters from
channels and is bidirectional and multi client capable. It allows to run
realtime process and GUI on separate machines which is generally the case.

"pdcom" and "pdserv" are the communication libraries and
"qtpdwidgets" is the library with process data aware widgets for QT.
With this library comes an example. Read the README with comes with the

If you want to, I can ask my colleagues if they have a small example for
the real time application with "pdserv" integration for you.

Regards Wilhelm.

Am 03.05.2019 um 00:05 schrieb Karl Zeilhofer:
> Hi,
> are there any recommendations on how to merge EtherCAT master programm
> with a GUI?
> Is there any documentation on how to set up the threads/processes
> correctly?
> I would love to use the Qt SDK for writing the HMI.
> Kind regards,
> Karl Zeilhofer
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