Hi Richard,

Thanks for having a look at this.

> You made a mistake configuring the TxPdo's. You need to read the docs, and
> maybe the ESI (BTW I couldn't find it from your link)

How do you see that they are wrong? Sorry, still a noob...
Sorry about the ESI, it should be present in my link now. There is no 
documentation, at least none in another language than Chinese...
I did not configure them at all. I simply took the slave that was connected and 
operational on our Acontis EtherCAT master and connected the CAT5 cable to the 
Etherlab controller.
I had tried configuring it manually in Etherlab before but always ran into this 
input configuration error.

> What is your configuration?
> $ ethercat config
> Have you tried
> $ ethercat cstruct
> as a starting point?

I will have a look later today when I am in the lab.

> Does the drive require distributed clocks?

This is not a drive, it is an IO-module. I am not sure about distributed clocks 

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