Since there were quite a few people interested in coming over to my
house tomorrow (Saturday) to help move, here's the sitrep:

Most major items moved.
Have mostly odds and ends (read:  boxes) to move.
If anybody has extra boxes, bring them.  They wil be appreciated.
Request volunteers show up at noon.  We will feed dinner as required.
Hope pizza is OK.
Called Jim and asked his wife to have him bring the trailer.  It's
overkill, I hope, but it sometimes pays to overdo it.

Directions:  Take 105/1266 to Marcola/42nd Str exit (right next to
Werehauser)and continue along to the right.  At Main and 42nd, turn
right and then from Main and 41st in Springfield, turn south and then
take the next right.  Street address is below.

Once again, my contact #'s:
Old 726-1561
New 346-7562
Handi 520-9603

I'm tearing down my computer now, so I will not check mail again.
Further comms will be via voice or messenger.  Request crypto using
KYK-1600 cypher table.  Smoke signals are OK, just don't be wordy.

Oh, and thanks everybody.


Michael J. Smith [EMAIL PROTECTED]
4052 Southway Loop, Springfield OR 97478
(541) 726-1561

tel;home:(541) 726-1561
org:Rybolov Heavy Industries
adr:;;4052 Southway Loop;Springfield;OR;97478;USA
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
note:Linux Guru, Russian Translator, Security Educator, Signals Intelligence Specialist, ORNG Infantry Fire Team Leader, Flyfisher since age 12
fn:Michael Smith

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