[Please pass this on to any people interested in
        unix system administration education]


        I am spending a lot of time on Unix System Administration
        Education. I have been working on a class at OSU 
        called CS 312 Unix system administration as well as
        supporting the local Linux Users Group and working on
        the SAGE system administration education committee.

        As a part of my system administration class, I try
        to take my class on tours of businesses and I try
        to bring in guest speakers. This last term,
        I had a great guest speaker come (Hal Pomaranz) 
        but I realized that I did not have enough networking
        in place to let people know about him in an effective

        I hope in the future to bring in more great speakers
        around current topics in System Administration.

        In preparation for that effort, I would like to 
        let you know about some of the mailing lists that
        I am supporting around system administration.
        If you know of anyone who would want to know
        about these, please pass this on.

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        List Descriptions:


                This is the list of people who are willing to be
                speakers for the class. If you would like to 
                come in and tell war stories about system
                admin, please sign up for this list.


                This is the list of people who have 
                projects that they want the class to work on.
                Typically this is a list of k12 people
                who have linux boxes in their school
                and want some linux support.

                But it could be any non-profit with 
                system admin issues to address.

                The key is to be willing to work with
                the educational process and to work
                with students.

                This is an international list supporting
                the discussion of how to education system 
                administrators. It is part of
                the SAGE (http://www.usenix.org/sage)
                discussion on system administration Education.

                This is an announcement list for people
                who want to know about speakers or
                other external events that happen as
                a result of the course.

                If you wish you had known about the 
                Hal Pomeranz talk on DNS, Firewalls and Sendmail
                talk, then you want to be on this list.

        To get on a list send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        In the message say:

        subscribe <list>

        For example:

        subscribe sysadm-announce

        If you have any questions on system administration
        that I can help with, please drop me a line.

John Sechrest          .         Helping people use
CEO  PEAK -             .           computers and the Internet
Public Electronic         .            more effectively
Access to Knowledge,Inc      .                      
1600 SW Western ,suite 180      .            Internet: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Corvallis Oregon 97333               .                  (541) 754-7325
                                            . http://www.peak.org/~sechrest

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