You're going at it all wrong-- ronsbrain is a system device, and so it resides
at /dev/ronsbrain.  Now, you can enter things into ronsbrain with a simple
shell redirect: cat someinfofile >> /dev/ronsbrain.   Retreiving information is
done through: cat /proc/ronsbrainstatus (| less if needed).  What's being
secretly worked on in the underground bunker under Transmeta is a kernel-level
patch that interfaces with the ronsbrain daemon (ronsbraind) that creates a
socket similar to the mysqlsock (this was reuseable code thanks to the recent
GPL-ization of mysql).  The socket is located under
/var/run/ronsbraind/ronsbrain.sock.  You can access it usint the ronsbrain
client and a little bit of SQL: ronsbrain -u ron -p exec="select reaction from
senses where sense='lumpy'".  Soon, applications in userspace will be able to
use this socket, and I hear part of the deal is making PHP and PERL hooks into
it, so that ronsbrain can be used in web development.  It is even possible to
make a ronsbrain server and have other machines connect to it using port 666.

RonL wrote:

> Is this anything like:
> pico ronsbrain
> file not found...
> hehe Ron
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "rocksolidnetworks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 8:42 AM
> Subject: Re: Juno tech support guru--NOT!
> > app-get sethsbrain
> >
> > You wrote:
> > > >I thought you had a beowulf cluster of Seth's brains instead of a
> > > >"PC-compatible".  Doesn't everybody????
> > >
> > > My brains aren't GPLed though.  I license them out on as needed basis
> > > under a highly restrictive license.  If I did GPL them, I'd package them
> > > for Debian.
> > >
> > > Seth
> > >
> > >
> >
> >

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