Well... The best tool i can think of is mke2fs, and fdisk :) however they will shrink 
your nt partition a bit smaller than you may like :)
      Seriously though... I dont know if there is a utility for ntfs, but there are 
utilities for dos/fat partitions, so it makes sense that there might be ones for ntfs. 
It may be simpler in the long run to backup your nt stuff, and install both from 


You wrote:
> X-Quote-Of-The: So many sages have regarded Woman as temptress because
>                 fornication often leads to marriage, which usually leads to
>                 children, which always leads to a respectable job and
>                 pretending to believe the idiocies your neighbors believe.
>                                         -- Sigismundo Celine
> Anne's new laptop is a Dell Lattitude LS.  It has a 12 Gb disk, which
> is partitioned like this.
>       hda1    15 Mb           type 222
>       hda2    11491 Mb        NTFS (or HPFS)
> She'd like to make it dual-boot between Win2K and Linux.  What tools
> are available to shrink the NTFS partition without erasing it?  We
> want to make it dual-boot Linux, of course...
> Thanks.
> -- 
>                                         K<bob>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jogger-egg.com/

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