On Mon, 28 Aug 2000, Michael Smith wrote:

> Well, for starters, the book probably has the "slink" release not "potato",
> the current stable version.  Bring your box in on Thursday when you have
> access to a faster connection, and we'll upgrade you to "woody", the
> development version.

Yeah, I was thinking that too... woody has tons more stuff,

  If you get a  copy of "Seth's Sources with additions by
> Mike", then you can pull in all sorts of weird packages. 

I update my list every once in a while... curious what Mike has added...

>  Remember, "apt-get
> update" to grab the available updated package lists, and "apt-get upgrade" to
> download all the new versions.

apt-get dist-upgrade when you do stuff like switch from slink to potato to

> > Ok, I got it installed.  I don't think it was as good as install as some
> > other distributions.

I agree.  You were using slink's install, which was really not very good.
Potato's is better.  Corel and Stormix have much better installers. (and
are also Debian based)

>  I'm thinking the strength is once you have it
> > installed you can us apt-get to get files from the net.  The one thing it
> > doesn't come with is kde.  I used kde for most of my stuff.  I know
> > there's a way to get it.

you add a line to /etc/apt/sources.list and that points it to the KDE

> > The one thing I tried is modprobe -a tuner and it doesn't look like Debian
> > put that in their modules.  That loads all the stuff for kwintv or xawtv
> > for my TV card.  I have to have this. Watching TV while on your computer
> > is awsome.

You have to rebuild the kernel.  There are kernels built with everything
though.... but building a kernel is easy under Debian.

> > I'd also like to get the gnome package up and running.  I didn't know what
> > installation to us so I used Work_std.  I used dselect after that to get
> > more packages.  Once I get my connection going I can us the apt-get
> > command.

Yeah, then you add HelixCode's address to sources.list , and get Helix's
debian packages for Gnome.

> > I did like how the window managers looked.  There was real slick
> > background in windowmaker.  I just have to find out if apt-get can get
> > more themes too.

Yes, including a program that will get stuff from themes.org and make
packages out of it.

> > Does linuxconf work in Debian or is there another configuration tool like
> > yast or linuxconf.

it does work, except for networking (I think, not sure)

> > BTW, they had one more copy of it over there.  The book is more than half
> > the cost of the package.

The book is free (electronic version), and the software is the older
version, but upgradable of course.

> > Let me know about some packages to pickup.

lots of packages.... too many packages :)


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