That would be really cool, i was there last thursday
trying to get my modem working but it never happened i
upgraded the kernel a couple weeks before to get it
working but i never did something i'm not shure what
it was because i'm a newbie in linux
--- "Timothy L. Bolz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm going to try every week to give an synopsis of
> what we did and how
> many people. I'd like to get more people involved
> coming to the weekly
> clinics and see Linux as a force in Eugene.
> It would be great to get some major people involved
> in Linux to come here
> and give a talk. Linus,Stallman, MadDog and all the
> others out there who
> are making Linux a success. And I forgot our very
> own Bob Miller <kbob>
> who's working behind the scenes. :-)
> For the last two weeks we've been having around 30
> people showing up.
> If I can remember right there were 5-6 computers
> there. I don't know if
> everyone's goal were accomplished. I know two of us
> were getting Debian
> install/upgrades. I know I was busy on upgrading my
> box. I believe it was
> John who was working on video problems. The other 2
> computers I have no
> idea what what going on there were 4-5 people around
> each.
> Mike and Seth got a tower going with a cd-rom burner
> and they were in the
> process of putting Debian to be used as a mirrored
> server in case the DSL
> line goes down.
> There was talk about getting some hardware donations
> from some of the
> hardware companies. We could be a test for their
> products. It's not a
> bad Idea. If we had one box set up for Demo's /
> howto Demo's. This would
> be great. This way we could do a clinic every
> week. I'm sure this would
> be great success.
> There was also a discussion about a beuwolf cluster.
> If we had
> the hardware this could be excelent to work on.
> Everyone could learn and
> it would look good on a Resume. Set up a Beuwolf
> cluster. I don't know
> how pc's we would need and this would take up space
> on the desk unless we
> decided to put them under the bench.
> I think it would be great if we could have some
> flyers or cards printed to
> be put in some of the computer shops. I know a lot
> of people heard of
> linux and this would give them an outlet to go and
> find their answers.
> Plus it would be be good for all of the linux
> consultants who come to
> help on thursday. We get more users at home which
> then find linux is a
> much better OS which then they install it at work.
> Tim
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