So.. Here's some linux stuff I get in the mail... They are always in DC, and Im not 
to be attending... but maybe one of you are interested...

        *** Please pass this message to your company or agency point of contact 
with WIRELESS and/or Mobile Computing ***

Business Applications for Mobile and Wireless Computing in Government

October 31, 2000

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington D.C.

Sponsored by:

Organization Sponsors:

* GSA/Federal Technology Service
* Washington Technology Newspaper 
* Government Computer News (GCN) 
* INPUT Government 
..additional sponsors to be announced.

Corporate Sponsors:

* Verizon -- Federal Network Systems 
* Marlaw Systems Technology 
* CISGlobal 
..additional sponsors to be announced.

Points of Contact:

* For general information and registration about this event, please contact Ms. 
Colleen Harbison, 301/652-0810 
* For information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact Ms. Janelle Boroday, 

Government IT Executives are quickly recognizing the exciting opportunity to 
extend their reach beyond the web to devices like cell phones, handheld computers, 
interactive pagers, Palm Pilots, and other PDAs. The commercial growth potential 
for this market is just about to explode. IDC Research projects that 61.5 million 
people will be using wireless devices to access the Internet in 2003. This is 
a 728% increase from the 7.4 million users today. Government business applications 
of wireless will track this explosive growth.  This conference will highlight 
innovative applications and agency plans and programs for using wireless and 
mobile computing technologies.

Who should attend:
* Agency IT Executives 
* Agency mobile and wireless program managers 
* Tele-work and Telecomm Directors & Managers 
* Functional area managers using mobile computing 
* Wireless and mobile solutions providers 

What you will learn:
* Agency plans, programs and priorities 
* Innovative government mobile and wireless applications 
* Innovative PDA applications 
* How wireless applications can help you do your job better 
* Fleet managers 
* Remote database management 
* Handheld devices 
* Wireless & mobile security solutions 
* How to structure wireless solutions 
* Commercial and government best practices 

List of speakers and detailed agenda to be announced at this web site.

        *** CALL FOR NOMINATIONS ***  

        Recognizing Technical Achievement:

Also at this conference, awards will be presented to those government organizations 
government-contractor teams that have taken a technology leadership role in developing
innovative Mobile and Wireless Applications for federal government applications. 
 Submit your one page project summary to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Award categories to be considered:
Innovative applications 
Enterprise-wide applications 
Military Command and Control 
Emergency and public safety
Mobile Office and Portable Applications
Management and Leadership 
Candidate projects will be submitted to a joint industry-government team for 
evaluation and selection.
The winners will receive recognition at the event and with their agency.

Members of the evaluation team include:
INPUT Federal 
Federal Executive Review Panel 
Mr. Art Chantker, President, The Potomac Forum Ltd., Chair 

Please survey your agency and department. If your organization has one -- or 
more -- wireless/mobile computing applications in the early stages of evaluation, 
planning, test, or deployment -- tell us about your project and the team running 
it. Initially we only need a max of 1 page summary of the project and a point 
of contact at the team so that we can obtain additional information as needed. 
Closing date for submission of your candidate project teams is 1 October 2000. 

How to submit your project for consideration:
Outline for Candidate Submission:
Name of project, Department/Agency. Phone, email and web site contact information 
for Team/Project Leader and team members. 
Brief description of the project. Focus on the application. Status. 
Potential Impact. If the project or test is successful, describe the magnitude 
of the deployment and impact on the project and/or government enterprise. 
Contractor(s) supporting the project (if any) and Point of Contact 

The First Annual Federal Wireless and Mobile Computing Training Conference will 
also highlight the new and exciting applications that are in place today and 
are in development. Exhibits, demonstrations and presentations will allow federal 
users to become informed of new wireless and mobile computing products and services.

Agency presentations will focus on projects in the early stages that will provide 
innovative enterprise-level applications. Leaders will be recognized for their 
contributions and technology innovation.

See our current list of sponsors and find out how you can become one! 

Government training forms and credit cards accepted.

The registration fee for this important training conference is: 

Government Credit Card or Check in Advance: $295.00
Government Training Forms/Invoice: $345.00
Industry and Federal Contractors, Payment in Advance: $595
Industry and Federal Contractors/Invoice: $645 

Conference Registration Options
[1] Phone: 301-652-0810 and speak with Ms. Colleen Harbison.
[3] Register online: Use our online booking form to register and pay by credit 
card electronically.
[4] Fax: registration form to 301-652-0914.
[5] Mail: registration form to:

Market*Access International, Inc.
5454 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 810
Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
Registration form requires Acrobat Reader.

To register by phone or to request more information: Call Colleen Harbison 

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