I was thinking along the lines of "use(r--*cough*) use(r--*cough*)
use(r--*cough*) use(r--*cough*)"  It just can't say the word.

Seth Cohn wrote:

> At 02:56 PM 09/07/2000 -0700, you wrote:
> >I have a Slackware (3.x ?) kernel 2.0.36 it's acting as an
> >internet firewall.  Once every couple of minutes USE is displayed
> >on the screen.  If I don't do anything the whole screen will fill
> >up with USEUSEUSEUSE.
> >
> >Has anyone seen something like this before?  Where should I
> >start looking for the answer?
> >
> >I have checked /var/log/messages and syslog and lastlog.  I
> >didn't anything that i could attribute to USE.
> >
> >Any ideas?
> Hmm... USE?
> Asking for use?
> hates slackware, wants SuSE?
> seriously, I'd guess it's a debug code or something.  try a
> grep for USE in /etc
> Seth

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