Arin is not BS, If you want Registered IP's, and a Netblock, you need ARIN. This isnt
something new, If you check, you will probably find my old netblock
ARIN is the American Registry of Internet Names, I belive there are about half a dozen
registrys, ARIN is the
one for this part of the world...
If your registering with ARIN, your setting up a real network... be happy :)
You wrote:
> Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000 15:42:12 -0700
> Subject: Arin?
> I'm getting some new static IP's through usworst and they have a new
> section, it's an Arin registration form. I haven't seen this before and
> didn't need it then, is this just some B.S? I went to their Web page
> and looked around but it looked like Usworst would
> have had to fill this out not me. If I'm hosting, and have domain names
> registered with ohhh network solutions is that the same thing?
> Thx.