My untar script reads: /bin/tar -xvf $1 My ungtar script reads: /bin/tar -xvf $1 Where the $1 is the file name of the file to be uncompressed. Bob C. <<< [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/10 11:16p >>> Hi, could anyone help me with the install of Wordperfect 8? I have downloaded the whole file from and have tried to gunzip the file, with no success. I haven't had any luck decompressing the file. Any help would be appreciated. John
- Wordperfect 8 install problems John
- Re: Wordperfect 8 install problems Franklin Hays
- Re: Wordperfect 8 install problems Harald Sundt
- Re: Wordperfect 8 install problems rocksolidnetworks
- Re: Wordperfect 8 install problems Franklin Hays
- Bob Crandell