Hi all This is the official announcement of the November meeting (I'm actually ahead on this--su-prise) Anyway, the November meeting details are as follows: Speaker: Bob Miller http://www.jogger-egg.com/ I met Bob last year during demo day, and he's a good guy. You can read his bio and stuff on his web site. Topic: Mobile Computing and alot of Networking. (He might have something to add to this, so stay tuned.) Place and time: 18 November 1400-1600, at the other Bob's--Comsource, 747 Willamette In other new, this month's meeting is tomorrow, in case you have forgotten. It conflicts with the Eugene Celebration, but only for 2 hours. I'm looking for somebody for next month. Does anybody have a good background in encryption, pgp, and related ilk? If so, get in touch with me. I'm also looking at firewall systems and network security for December, if anybody has some good insight into that realm.