Tech Brew Pub is tomorrow--beware.  Is the normal clinic going to start
later?  Should I make a sign (scribbled in sharpie, of course) to put on
the door that reflects this?

This is a final reminder for the SAO Tech Brew Pub, scheduled for Thursday,
September 21 from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the music hall of the Wild Duck

Whether you are a programmer, IT manager, or work in any capacity at an IT
company, this is the opportunity for you to meet others in our industry. The
brew pub is also open to IT professionals who work in non-IT companies.

There is a $5 charge at the door and light food/refreshments are included.
The bar is a no host affair!!!

Please plan to join us for some good food, fine microbrew, and great
networking on September 21 and tell your friends and colleagues!

E-mail your questions or comments to Matt Jarvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] or

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