When the PC known as jogger-egg.com was new in late 1998, I measured
its raw disk read speed.  It got about 12 Mb/sec doing large block
sequential reads from /dev/hda.  This was about 30% faster than the
1996 vintage SCSI disk on my Octane at work.  Cool.  Exciting acronyms
like UDMA and ATA/33 were bandied about.

A few months later, I replaced jogger-egg's 14 Gb disk with a 21 Gb
disk and remeasured the speed.  The new disk did 17 Mb/sec.  Very
cool.  At this time, I was still running SuSE 5.0 or 5.2.

Last week, I ran out of disk space again, and installed a whopping* 46
Gb disk.  I happened to copy a 1 Gb file, and it took for*EVER*.  I
reran the measurements that I'd done with the other disks.  4 Mb/sec.
Remeasured the 21 Gb disk.  Also 4 Mb/sec.  Uncool.  Square.  Dorky,

Anyway, I found this interesting snippet in

    ## Optimisation of Hard drive.
    if grep -qi opti /proc/cmdline; then
    if [ -x /sbin/hdparm ];then
    echo hdparm
    LIST_HD=$(grep '^hd.:' /var/log/dmesg|\
            grep -ivE '(CD.*ROM|FLOPPY|TAPE|STATUS)'|cut -d:

            if grep -i nohdparm /proc/cmdline >/dev/null ; then
                    action "Hard Drive optimisations disabled" \
                    echo ""
            for i in $LIST_HD;do
            action "Starting Hard Drive optimisations for $i" \
                    hdparm -q -c1 -q -A1 -q -m16 -q -d1 /dev/$i

Sure enough, typing in that ugly hdparm command speeds the disks
right up.  The new disk reads at 21.5 Mb/sec now.

I do not have "opti" in /proc/cmdline, so the hdparm command is never
executed.  /proc/cmdline comes indirectly from /etc/lilo.conf.  Does
anybody know exactly what I should have in /etc/lilo.conf to enable
IDE disk optimizations?


*see _Life,_the_Universe_and_Everything_ by Douglas Adams for
 discussion of the verb, "to whop".

[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jogger-egg.com/

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