> Bob Miller wrote:
> > (a long, boring story.)
> My question was this:
>         What should be passed in on the kernel's command line to
>         enable IDE disk optimization under Mandrake Linux?

Instead of passing to the kernel on the command line use hdparm in the
startup scripts. In Mandrake 7.+ I /etc/rc.d/rc.local
www.linuxnewbie,com had a help file on optimizing linux or tux that went
over it. Also I think O'Rielly might have had something on it within the
past 2 months.  hdparm has a man page. You can try it from the commnad
line on a virtual console. If your machine locks up or something you can
reboot and try other choices. I think hdparm -c1 -d1 /dev/hda are safe
choices. Itried -m16 the other day and got disk error messages and had
to back off to -m12 but did not have to reboot. The -t , & -T options
due timed reads to judges the improvemnt.
Jim K

> Thanks.
> -- 
>                                         K<bob>
> [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.jogger-egg.com/

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