I am trying to install debian on a machine on the efn public access network.
My objective is to install a spanish-language version for public-assess use
by our increasing number of Hispanic members.  Now, from the spanish-language
direcciones de instalacion, i get the impression that spanish language install
images exist, and i think that installing from the start in spanish will be 
easier than converting an existing setup to spanish. My problem is that i
cant seem to actually *find* any of these spanish-language install images.
Any hints?  I tried ftp.es.debian.org, but it seems to have the english images.

It's a hard work, being a network pusher. Your customers beep you in
the middle of the night, hungry for another fix. But, what can you do?
Customer satisfaction and all that crap...
Pays good, though.                    --Ingvar the Grey, in the Monastery

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