Bob Crandell wrote:
> Does "kill -HUP pid#" equal SIGHUP?

by pid#, rob meant the process ID#  so yes... kill -HUP 234 would send a
kill -HUP to process 234

-HUP means send the SIGHUP (SIGnal HangUP), instead of a 'kill signal'

try man kill for a list of other signals you can send...

> I just type "inetd" to restart it?

Nope, sighup means 'reset yourself, reload, rerun'
you don't need to rerun inetd.

> | This line is at the top of /etc/inetd.conf:
> | "To re-configure the running INETD process, edit this file,
> then
> | send the INETD process a SIGHUP signal."
> |
> | How do you send the inetd process a SIGHUP signal from the
> | command line?  Man inetd doesn't mention it.
> | Is it done differently from different distributions?

actually, it's done the same in almost all distros, Linux or not...
sending a SIGHUP is one advantage to unix.  The Windows equivalent is
'You need to reboot'


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