Nope, not mine--I guess it's got some problems with it's php-to-database
code. Keep trying. It was working for awhile, but then it dies
mid-stream. It did get /.'ed, so that might have something to do with
it. Maybe it's just running on a 386 with 5 20-MB hd's that the
webmaster got free from the site.
Ralph Zeller wrote:
> As we all race to the freebees...
> Is this your site? I'm getting errors when I try to load it:
> >Warning: Failed opening '' for inclusion
> (include_path='.:/usr/local/phplib/php') in
> >/export/home0/webtrade/www/index.php3 on line 13
> At 02:43 PM 10/12/00, Michael J Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >A place to trade off your old junk for new old junk. Paul from Adept
> >comes to mind, but we could target some of the crufty old remaining
> >cards that are in the back room.
> >