I hope this is not a duplicate, but I would have expected to see a copy come
through to me as well if it finally made it to the EUGLUG list.

    **      THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY      **

The original message was received at Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:17:44 -0800
from broadway.eug.clipper.net []

   ----- The following addresses had transient non-fatal errors -----

   ----- Transcript of session follows -----
451 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>... efn.net: Name server timeout
Warning: message still undelivered after 4 hours
Will keep trying until message is 5 days old
Reporting-MTA: dns; mail.eug.clipper.net
Arrival-Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 13:17:44 -0800

Final-Recipient: RFC822; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Action: delayed
Status: 4.4.3
Last-Attempt-Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2001 17:19:26 -0800
Will-Retry-Until: Sat, 3 Feb 2001 13:17:44 -0800

Hi All,

I have been playing around with single diskette drive based Linux Router Project
boxes for almost two years.  (LRP is a stripped down version of Linux with just
what it needs to act as a NAT router between your Internet connection and your
LAN.) References are below.*

I've built a couple of these boxes and they work just fine whether you are using
a serial connection to an analog modem or an Ethernet connection to ...

The one thing that really bothered me though was that darned floppy sitting
(write protected) inserted and ready to go. When LRP boots, it makes a RAM disk,
copies what it needs off the floppy, and totally runs out of RAM (as little as
4K if I remember correctly; 8 K, certainly). Normal wear and tare to say nothing
of dust, cat hair, little green men ... well, you get the idea, make the floppy
less than desirable.

Sure, you can find an old small capacity IDE drive you in your junk box and
install the software to boot from there, but, hey, why go backwards. Seems to me
a "solid state disk" is the way to go. Unfortunately I have until today been
unable to find one at a reasonable price. (You used to be able to buy
unpopulated cards that you could jam in an ISA slot that were fairly cheap and,
remember, you only need 1.44 to store LRP.) There is a company in the UK that
has worked up their own "Pizzabox Internet Gateway" (see http://www.kyzo.com/,
where you can download a fully functional time limited one diskette copy of
their software), but the price of their package or just one of their solid state
disks is more than I want to pay.

Enter those intrepid hams down in Tucson -- the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio
(TAPR) club. They offer a $49 ($59 to non-members) interface card that allows
you to plug in a flashcard and connect it to your PC as a FLOPPY DISK. Called
the "TAPR Compact Flash Adapter " you can check it out at
http://www.tapr.org/tapr/html/Fcfa.html. You can click a link to check out the
documentation. Since its only a 32K Acrobat file, I have included it as and

Blink (a.k.a., Dennis)


* LRP sites:

Migratory "Original "LRP Sites (up last time I looked) -

Source Forge LRP Site - http://sourceforge.net/projects/linuxrouter/

Very Useful Enthusiasts Site - http://lrp.c0wz.com/

Matterhorn variant of LRP - http://home.swbell.net/newtek/

Useful Articles by Trevor Marshall -

Misc. LRP -

Other Pages of Interest re RADIUS, wireless, et cetera -



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