Have you looked in your log files while doing this?  pump (at least) says it stores 
info in log files.

look at /var/log/daemon.log, */messages, */syslog

Look at the end to see if there is any useful info.

So starting with eth0 down, with only the loopback up, and the /etc/network/interfaces 
file like the one that I gave you (removing the auto line is okay.  That just allows 
me to do ifup -a and ifdown -a).  Then you type in 'ifup eth0'.

Then what happens?  With pump installed on my system, the interface is brought up, 
pump is called and remains in memory, my nic sends out a dhcp request, get's an 
answer, dhcp configures, and routing is setup.

Also, pump is a daemon.  The others may be as well.  Be sure that they aren't running 
when you try switching from one to the other.  ps -C <name> will look for it in your 
process list.  Also for troubleshooting, none should be running until the ifup script 
calls them (for the first time).

In my log file /var/log/daemon.log, I see messages from pump like:
Feb  2 13:53:41 cory-l pumpd[2155]: PUMP: sending discover 
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: bresp: yiaddr:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: bresp: server_ip:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: got dhcp offer 
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: PUMP: got lease
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: device: eth0
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: set: 416
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: bootServer:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: reqLease: 43200
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: ip:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: next server:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: netmask:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: dnsServers[0]:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: dnsServers[1]:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: dnsServers[2]:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: numDns: 3
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: domain: petersen-arne.com
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: broadcast:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: intf: network:
Feb  2 13:53:42 cory-l pumpd[2155]: configured interface eth0


On Sat, Feb 03, 2001 at 05:41:36PM -0800, Ben Barrett wrote:
> > Actually, I use pump, but don't have dhclient on my system.  According to the pump 
>man page, it is a program that get's the ip address on it's own, including logging 
> > 
> > I didn't see a dhclient package in the stable debian archives.  Where did you get 
>it?  Since dhcpcd works on your mandrake box, why not try it on debian?  There is a 
>package for it.
> > 
> > $ apt-cache search dhcp |grep client
> > pump - Simple DHCP/BOOTP client for 2.2.x kernels
> > dhcpcd - DHCP client for automatically configuring IPv4 networking
> > dhcp-client - DHCP Client
> >
> dhclient was the name of the app that the dhcp-client package used.  
> I've gone through and tried installing all 3 different clients, (one
> at a time of course) and can't get any of them to come remotely close
> to working.  ifconfig shows that none of them ever recieve any packets
> while trying to talk with the dhcpd, so maybe its more of a interface
> problem?  tho, everthing seems to get recognized and I don't have any
> problem setting up ifconfig or the routing tables manually.  
> > Here's the info for my dhcp setup:
> > -------
> > # /etc/network/interfaces -- configuration file for ifup(8), ifdown(8)
> > 
> > auto lo eth0
> > 
> > # The loopback interface
> > iface lo inet loopback
> > 
> > # The first network card - this entry was created during the Debian 
>installationiface eth0 inet dhcp
> > -----
> > 
> > This is the whole file.  Upon bootup, or upon an ifup eth0 call, pump is called, 
>an ip address is assigned, routing tables are setup.  All automagically.  Pump is a 
>daemon that resides in memory once started.
> >
> I tried using this file and it actually spit an error back out to me about
> an option not being followed by an interface, i had to remove the 'auto lo
> eth0' line to get ifup to run, tho it didn't complete running. :(
> Wallowing in frustration,
> Jim, ben's buddy

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