Have you tried working with NetBSD at all? Is their sparc support anybetter?


"Patrick R. Wade" wrote:

> On Sun, Feb 04, 2001 at 08:40:55PM -0800, Garl R. Grigsby wrote:
> >
> >Evening all,
> >    I know we have some BSD users out there, so I have a few questions
> >for you.
> >    First some background.  Most of my Un*x experience falls with the
> >following flavors: HP-UX, Solaris, IRIX, AIX, Mandrake, and RedHat. With
> >the exception of the Linux variants and HP-UX, most of my experience is
> >limited to basic admin knowledge (e.g. I have not gone through setting
> >up a complete machine from start to finish). I can usually manage to
> >fight my way through most things with enough time and determination.
> >   Now to my questions. Recently I have acquired several Sun Sparc (32)
> >machines (IPXs, 5s, & 10s) and am looking to put a OS on them that is 1)
> >Free/Inexpensive, 2) Fairly easy to install, & 3) is fairly complete. I
> >have looked through the offerings from the Linux community in regard to
> >the sparc platform and I am not impressed. I do know that OpenBSD offers
> >a sparc port and my question is how is their install process? How
> >different am I going to find OpenBSD as compared to the other flavors of
> >Un*x that are out there? Can I download Iso images for the cds anywhere?
> >Does OpenBSD come with any firewall/proxy abilities? Any other comments?
> >
> Well, OpenBSD is not terribly different from other BSDs; i haven't worked
> with H-PUX, so i don't know how it stacks up to modern BSDs.  The install
> process is pretty straightforward.  OpenBSD comes with some nice firewalling
> and proxying capabilities; that is one of OpenBSD's main uses in the field.
> Note that support for Sparcs is still a bit rough, see
> http://www.openbsd.org/sparc.html
> --
> Yes, we ARE a bunch of anal, short-tempered, quick to fly-off-the-handle,
> sarcastic, know-it-alls.  That's what running networks does to you.
>                                 - James Fischer on inet-access

Garl R. Grigsby
Senior Customer Applications Engineering - Analysis Team
Structural Dynamics Research Corporation      Phone: (800)242-7372
TAO Americas Support Center                   FAX: (541)342-8277
1750 Willow Creek Circle                      Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Eugene, OR 97402                              Internet:  http://www.sdrc.com
-FEA makes a good engineer great, and a poor engineer dangerous-
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