I have tried to upgrade, from the tarballs offered from xfree86.org
directly... (on top of my mandrake 7.2 install)... was using 3.3.6,
and now NOTHING WORKS!! (no X, that is) man, I'm bummed!!!
So hard to get schoolwork done, too  : (

I couldn't get their source packages to compile (my usual for new
programs), so I downloaded the series of binary tarballs and ran their
installer script.  Everything seemed to go alright, but X will not start,
and I get errors on both the keyboard mapping and the font server...
Not familiar with these problems, trying to fix up my XF86Config file
but to no avail... a little confused about what I've got installed now,
since I reinstalled the 3.3.6 rpm's!!  I re-ran the 4.02 installed though,
since it seems to install everything but complains/halts at runtime.
Here are my error messages (copied by hand, grrr):

Error:  Cannot open "compiled/server-9.xkm" to write keyboard description
Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap


_FontTransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't connect: errno = 111
failed to set default font path 'unix/:-1'

I don't seem to have ANY .xkm's on my box
('find /|grep .xkm' as root gives nothing useful back)
and also don't see 'unix/:-1' in my XF86Config...

Are there other files I need to check/tweak???
I want to use 4.02 since they finally got a lot more hardware acceleration
built in, for some older cards like mine...
But even after I reinstalled Mandrake's rpms for 3.3.6,
I haven't been able to get into an Xwindows session at all...

please please please, thanks


"slide" to www.euglug.org                   in lake'ch, my kin...     4 Ix
Finally, I (this text) would be delighted to be included, in whole or in
part, in your next discussion of self-reference.  With that in mind,
please allow me to appologize in advance for infecting you.

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