I wish they'd go back to Thursdays, so I could go, but...

Ed Craig         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Taxi (I need an income)                 GNU/Linux (I can afford a Free OS)
Think this through with me, let me know your mind...    Hunter/Garcia

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2001 09:13:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: EFN General Manager/OPN Executive Director <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SAO Tech Brew Pub April 17th ! (fwd)

FYI, ra

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2001 16:30:11 -0700
From: Matthew Jarvis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "SAO Mailing List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SAO Tech Brew Pub April 17th !

Attention all Technology Business Professionals--
The Tech Brew Pub is Back!

TUESDAY, April 17th

The Lane County Chapter of the Software Association of Oregon announces the
monthly Tech Brew Pub, the premiere networking event for Information
Technology professionals, on TUESDAY, April 17th from 5-7 PM in the music
venue at the Wild Duck (6th and Charnelton).

This month's presenter will be Harry Anderson, Founder and President of EDX
Engineering (www.edx.com).  EDX is a leading developer of system planning
tools for the wireless communications industry.  EDX was founded in 1985 for
the purpose of developing and marketing PC software for communications
engineers.  The EDX product line has grown steadily as has their customer
base, staff and revenue, and EDX now has customers in more than 40
countries.  EDX was also recently acquired by Comarco Wireless Technologies
(in December 2000) and is now operated as a division of Comarco.

Also, don't forget about Access to Capital on April 18th!!

Here's more info:  The Software Association of Oregon and the Eugene
Entrepreneurs Forum team up to present the most significant emerging
business conference outside of Portland Metro- -the Third Annual Access to
Capital Conference! Jim Johnson,  Oregon Site Manager for Intel will give a
lunch keynote following  two morning panel discussions on "structuring your
business" and  "approaching smart money". 9 am to 1 pm at the Eugene Hilton-
Call the Eugene Chamber to Pre-register--if you received this e-mail your
cost is $39 if you register before April 13th--$49 after that  date! Lunch
is included. 

For complete info on the event and speakers visit the sao website  
at: http://www.sao.org 

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Whether you are a programmer, IT manager, or work in any capacity at an IT
company, this is the opportunity for you to meet others in our industry. The
brew pub is also open to IT professionals who work in non-IT companies.
Students are also welcome, but you must be 21 years old.

The Tech Brew Pubs are held on the third TUESDAY of every month. There is a
$5 charge at the door and light food/refreshments are included. The bar is a
no host affair!!!

Please plan to join us for some good food, fine microbrew, and great
networking on TUESDAY, April 17th and tell your friends and colleagues!

E-mail your questions or comments to Matt Jarvis [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] or
Ian Richardson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

If you do not want to receive these notices in the future, please reply to
this notice.


Matt Jarvis
President/SAO Lane County

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