> The club has been looking for an excuse to build a cluster and has been
> trying to find some hardware.  I thought this Seti project would be a
> good place to start.  I don't know anything about Seti so I thought I'd
> offer the opportunity here.  If Seti is the limitation, then I'll let
> him know his original idea ( several Windoze boxes ) is the best one.

I concur, it seems the SETI project is already doing the redistribution
cycles, so why mess with a good thing(?)  Fun, maybe, to see how fast a
beowulf could tackle those packets... For the purpose of understanding how
these systems work, and even to test their stability, it sometimes is
desirable to generate otherwise-ridiculous jobs:  I was speaking with a
friend recently about the feasibility of generating an (albeit slow)
ad-hoc beowulf simulation by bringing nodes up inside a VMware session
or the like...  any suggestions?

I have also heard about some showing-off by running emulators within
emulators within emulators... sounds fun if it could be responsive.

Anywhoo, it seems that you could find a better test for a cluster than
SETI, or not do a cluster : )  good luck.


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