On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 12:25:01AM -0700, Bob Miller wrote:
> Jacob Meuser wrote:
> > No variables in perl?!?!?!?
> I think Rob meant that Perl subroutines don't have named arguments.

Ah, I thought I was missing something there.  

> Whereas in (non-ANSI) C you would write:
>       myfunc(first, second, third)
>       { /* ... */ }
> In Perl you have to do the this.
>       sub myfunc($$$) {
>           my ($first, $second, $third) = @_;
>           # ...
>       }
> Or, you can avoid the second line and use $_[0] or shift to access
> $first without naming it.
> My opinion: skipping the line that names the arguments is just ugly.
> When other people do it, they make their code hard to read.  (I very
> rarely do it.)
True, relying on perl's special variables can be confusing, although
I do like $_, especially in short loops that just iterate over arrays.

foreach (@list) {
    print "$_\n";

A little confusing, but also quite elegant ;)  Isn't perl for admittedly
lazy people anyway?  I mean, lazy as in work smart, not hard.

> > One other thing to note - perl is standard on almost every Unix-like
> > OS.  Python is not, at least not yet.  I would venture to say that mod_perl
> > is in wider use than mod_python, if you're looking for web usage.  
> I think I read that mod_php is the most popular Apache extension.
Probably so.  Has anyone used php-gtk?  How does it compare to perl/tk?
> > The interactive interpreter in python is kewl though.  It would be nice
> > to have a kind of "perlsh" ... maybe for perl 6 ...
> Try "perl -de0".
Cool! That beats the hell out of trying out stuff in long "perl -e ''"
lines.  Is there a quick way to unset all the variables used in a session?

> -- 
> Bob Miller                              K<bob>
> kbobsoft software consulting
> http://kbobsoft.com                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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