Well I thought I would try Mike's ximian deb's and my system broke.  It
might be because I've used Storm deb's and the new ximian debs maybe
didn't play right.  I had x windows up and I completely messed that up
now.  The nicest part I can still get on the web and check my e-mail.  I
was wondering if anyone else had the same problem. 

I installed Progeny and it's pretty slick.  It has ssh and other cool
things.  There is a deb to update a Potato & Slink system to
Progeny.  The CD's for progeny are in the box on the wall at the Thursay
clinic.  If you borrow them make sure they get back for others to
enjoy.  Mike from ComputerBase was good enough to burn a bunch of Disks.

I was playing around with gdm.  I was able to add pictures for myself and
my wife instead of the icons they use.  I also changed the logo screen and
made a nice background screen which says "Debian".  It looked very
nice.  I was into configuring my system.  If your using gdm as your
manager you would put a picture of yourself in /usr/share/faces don't use
any jpg extension.  Name the picture the same name as the person's user
name.  You could get crazy and put any picture in there (animals, body
parts, furniture).  I've read this could be a security issue having
names. Then the hacker would only have to figure out the password.  Well
me and my wife are only using this machine so I'm Ok.  Or so I think.  If
some tries adding picture's let me know how it went.  


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