Hi everyone.

I ended up at The Computer Store, a complete Mac house, yesterday with
my accomplice Darren.

They had several boxen running OSX (which they pronounce "O S ten" and
we all call "O S eks").

Well, one of them was running Tuxracer, so I gave that a spin.

Then I found a terminal program and it was off to the races.

I was able to ssh into my box at home.

The usual unix stuff works (ps, top, who, pwd, vi) but with a bit of
*BSD flavor ("ifconfig -a" instead of "ifconfig") and it's all a little
weird as far as directory names.

But the funny thing is, I got an audience of 2 people who wanted to see
what I was doing, and the owner of the store came over to see what I was
up to.  He looked very worried for some reason.  Could be because I was
reading the /etc/password file?  Or was it because I was using a command
line at all?

Anyway... slumming at the mac store, ya never know what you'll find.


I do what the voices on my console
tell me to do.

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