Kaplan wrote in response to my saying:
> >The Unix Gnu/ part was added to be more
> >politically correct, and to include BSD users of
> >whom we have a bunch.
> Politically Correct terminology is for effete snobs, left-wing liberal
> jerkoffs and  those without the brain capacity for self-induced
> thought (see left-wing liberal)

While I do not agree with Richard Stallman 100%, the sheer code size of the
GNU based code is large enough that I can understand and agree with his
wanting some credit.  Linux is just the kernel.  Honoring the GPL and the
works created by it by using GNU/Linux in an 'official' title makes sense.
So while I use Eugene Linux User Group as the informal name, I see no
problem with having the 'official' name include both Unix (to acknowledge
the BSD crowd) and GNU to acknowledge all of the free/opensource tools and

I'm not a big fan of PC (politcal correctness) either, but in this case,
it's a good description of why the name was changed: to be inclusive.

> No offense to my friends here, but I agree with Jim, perhaps Seth is
> correct that
> software use *may* be affected, but the end result of all this hoopla is
> small in the
> realm of possibility that any one of us will be SERIOUSLY affected

I disagree strongly.  This is a clear case of the DMCA being shown to be
used as a tool to shut down, imprison and in general destroy the entire
'fair usage' policy upon which copyright has been balanced.

If you really think you won't be affected, look at the DVD issue, at how
much of your software is reverse engineered (use Samba? use ICQ?  use a
whole bunch of other tools?)

This is not a good thing, and yes, the average user IS affected by it.  The
sheer fact that Jim and you don't see it is why education is needed.  This
is NOT a bugaboo 'we don't know the whole story' issue.  The facts are very
public and undisputed.  Adobe outright lied in press releases and when
caught, pulled the press releases because they knew they had been caught in

> There are kids starving in Mississippi folks....one more Mitkin-esque
> by Uncle Sam don't put food in they bellies......

James, you are really showing your ignorance here.  The Mitnick case was
about a guy breaking the law.  Nobody argues that.  Skylarov did NOT break
the law in his country, and didn't even break it here... go read the facts,

Follow up to activism please...


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