> From: larry a price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 17:11:58 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [EUG-LUG:2437] EfnCoopProject
> appended below is some of the exchange between myself and the
> bofh some of which i will put on the wiki page before wednesday
> basics for efn/opn:
> get classroom to a usable state -- alex is pushing for having
> a newbie friendly system that works in both english en espanol
> If you have any spanish speaking linux geeks that you can lure into the
> efn office thursday they would be very welcome.

Talk to Alex Bacaro at EFN. He will publicize the event among the Latino
community and would probably be happy to act as interpreter.

Why no go all the way and have a system set up in Spanish. If you'd like I
could loan EUG/LUB a box with NIC and/or modem, keyboard, monitor, and


> jakemsr -- OpenBSD install
> me,chris,others -- debian install
> config and network -- clustering using aa single disk distro to create
> nodes from the classroom pc's (efn specific app is to do full text
> indexing of efn hosted documents....other apps to interest of
> participants)
> which browsers, editors etc.
> l@                                                        _________
> ae          premise 1: The Truth Makes No Sense            (         )__
> pr                                                    ____(             )
> rn          premise 2: Beauty Is Truth               (                   )
> i.                                                    / / / / / / / / / /
> co         conclusion: Beauty Is Unconscious        / / / / / / / / / /
> er                   \@/                  http://www.efn.org/~laprice
> g                        |
> __________________________/_\_________________________________________________
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 12:37:10 -0700
> From: Patrick R. Wade <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: larry a price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: your mail
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 05:25:10AM -0700, larry a price wrote:
>> how do you feel about the following ideas
>> linux cluster for batch jobs 6-whenever thursdays
> How clustered are you thinking?  MOSIX?  That would be 133t, but would need
> some homework to set up...
>> doing a complete log of all packets on the network, analysis provided by
>> eugluggers sample taken at time()
> That might require more of our current router than it can handle, but we've
> wanted to upgrade the router, this could be our incentive to do so...
>> firewalling the local net allie  others
> We've talked about splitting the existing network into 3, classroom, staff
> and volunteer nets.  There should be firewalling between each network.  The
> volunteer net might be an RFC 1918 network until we can move to a new location
> and re-string the network, allowing physical separation of the networks and
> letting them interconnect only via routers with firewalling rules.
> -- 
> "If my son wants to be a pimp when he grows up, that's fine with me.  I
> hope he's a good one and enjoys it and doesn't get caught. I'll support
> him in this. But if he wants to be a network administrator, he's out of
> the house and not part of my family." Steve Wozniak, http://www.woz.org

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