Jacob, you are giving me a headache, man. I don't care. I just don't like
deception. Let's drop it. I don't care. Yes, MySQL AB should've don't there
homework. The only reason they have a domain name at all is that some well
meaning fan had the foresight to lease mysql.com and immediately signed it
over to them. I'm not losing any sleep over this. Remember, you don't know
me. I'm trying to give you the same benefit of the doubt although my comment
using a certain four letter word below (...bring the reader along...) proves
I've failed somewhat. Let's not waste bandwidth with another go around, Ok?
I just don't care.


> From: Jacob Meuser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2001 16:07:36 -0700
> Subject: [EUG-LUG:2434] Re: NuSphere vs MySQL GPL controversy
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2001 at 03:07:57PM -0700, Dennis J. Eberl wrote:
>> I don't really care very much about this issue, but my opinion is that using
>> "mySQL" as part or their domain name is deceptive
> Maybe I misunderstand capitalism, but isn't it "capitalising on
> resources available to you, that other's don't have access to, or know
> about"?  If I'm correct, deception is a cornerstone of capitalism.
> and ought to be considered
>> a trademark violation.
> Trademarks are not "natural", in the sense that copyright is.
> Anyone naive enough to contribute code to mySQL.org
>> is contributing to NuSphere's bottom line (their fork of MySQL) without
>> knowing it. 
> If they have a problem with that, then they should enlighten themselves.
> Even if NuSphere forwards all contributions to MySQL AB (they
>> probably do), they are merely redundant at best and are creating more work
>> for Michael Widenius, creator of MySQL, who reworks all code that makes it
>> into MySQL.
> And that wouldn't happen if, say, *I* sent a patch to MySQL AB?  I doubt
> ANY self respecting software author would blindly add contributed
> patches to his/her codebase.
>>>> MySQL.og makes statements
>>>> like "mySQL.org is dedicated to the promotion and improvement of the fast,
>>>> free, and flexible MySQL database. We provide the Open Source community a
>>>> center for free downloads, information and communication, as well as all
>>>> the
>>>> files you need to build applications based on MySQL, the #1 open source
>>>> database." 
>>> So?  What's wrong with that?
>> It's a lie.
> No it's not.  They want people to use these tools ... so they can make
> money supporting them.
> NuSphere is dedicated to NuSphere, not to making the open source
>> software that it uses as a money making tool -- not just, MySQL, but also
>> Apache, Perl, PHP. But, hey, caveat emptor.
> Apache, perl and php are *NOT* GPL.  In fact, their licenses are A LOT like
> the BSD license.  www.perl.com is still displaying NuSphere ads, so I
> don't think they are too angry with them.
>> Not so fast. RedHat, Mandrake, Caldera et cetera make no bones about being
>> businesses that package Linux and GNU software in an "easy to install" form.
>> NuSphere hides behind a phony web site pretending to be a champion of open
>> source. It's a fine point. If you don't get it you don't get it.
> And you've never heard or read "I just installed Linux 7.1"?  Obviously,
> the people who write and say such things have been decieved (or didn't
> read the fine print).
>>> I don't think this dispute is cut and dry.  I think MySQL AB is complain-
>>> ing that mysql.org portrays itself as the "authority" on mySQL.  If you
>>> were trying to make money on support, wouldn't you try to protray
>>> yourself as an "authority"?
>> I'm tired and not to focused today, but let me try giving your thoughtful
>> question the thoughtful answer it deserves. I would say that if you really
>> were an authority on something and in business, you not only have the right
>> but the duty to your investors to "portray" [your word, not mine] yourself
>> as such -- and proudly put your _name_ on that portrayal, not hide behind a
>> bogus domain name. Sorry. That's the best I can do at the moment. Notice
>> that RedHat et alia don't pretend they are something they are not.
> They do recruit developers to work on (THEIR version of) Linux ...  But I
> understand what you're saying about them being more open about their intents.

That's my only point. I think NuSphere is too close to the line if not
actually over it. That's what ticked me off. It smells bad to me. Maybe you
like the smell of shit.

>> Good for you, Jacob. MySQL is still shark meat.
> Then that's THEIR problem.  I understand that the laws, and probably
> business practices, in Sweden are different than in the US.  All I can
> say is "Tough luck, you shuld have done your homework."
>> Final comment. I sent the webmaster at mysql.org an e-mail explaining my
>> position, which is (1) that the domain name is deceptive and in my view
>> unethical, and (2) that the lame brain corporate yutz who dreamt the idea up
>> ought to get canned. I have no problem with NuSpere bundling a product, but
>> their fine print is a little too fine for me.
> Yes, yes, YES!  *That's* the way to handle it.  NOT in a court of law.

That is the approach MySQL AB is taking.

> -- 

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