That was a nicely informative, useful reply.

I have no wish to be hit by the drunken bus of progress, but aren't your
plans at EFN a little ambitious if what you are doing is trying to attract
joe public to free *nix as an alternative to Windows? I mean who, who is not
already a member of EUGLUG, is going to even understand 1/10th of what you
are going to show them? The world is full of nervous technophobes.

Hey, now, I am not throwing water on anyone's fire. The more the merrier.
Don't burn the place down, baby, down!

Are you going to deploy a Spanish language box?

Also, might not the meeting after this Thursday be a better time to get
together regarding the wireless modems? They aren't going anywhere, and you
sound very busy. I don't have any time to stand around in a crowd this week.
I'd rather sit down with you over a cup of coffee and show you what you have
to do to make them work. I'd really rather not have to try to get to a
Thursday evening meeting giving my change over today to a 6 AM to 4 PM


> From: larry a price <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 11:02:30 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: [EUG-LUG:2460] Re: Thursdays meeting...
> On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Kent Loobey wrote:
>> Where is the Thursday night meeting going to be held?
>> Thanks.
>> Kent
> There's two of them, at the present time.
> One meeting at efn, is focused on doing the necessary prep for having a
> classroom full of linux based public access terminals. so far we've got it
> to the point where we are putting out a mandrake/kde and a slackware/gnome
> box in the classroom, tomorrow night we have plans to install OpenBSD on
> one box and debian on another, in addition we'll be futzing around with
> tomsrtbt as a possible host for clustering and maybe a few other things
> that people will be bringing in. One other thing we might think about
> doing is running snort and analyzing network activity and working with
> patrick to beef up the classroom and office networks.
> EFN is located at 448 charnelton 1 blk off 5th, next to the jail.
> mro's 'Rebel Lug' meeting is at mro's in springfield and he'll probably
> post his info to the list. It sounds like it's pretty hopping and i know
> that it's the place for video hardware troubleshooting and fast network
> connections.

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