At 11:54 AM 8/22/2001 -0700, Timmy wrote:
><my veiw>I think the Linux lab is sort of a test case for EFN to see if they
>can get out from under the oppressive yoke of Microsoft.  They are a
>non-proffit organization and as such need every penny they have.  They are
>also a free speech oganization I suppose; they help bridge the 'digital
>devide'.  Free software and free community networks go hand in hand.
>Besides, free *nixes rock!</my view>

Oh puhleze....EFN is as much a lefty tax break scam as it is a lesbian and
queer gold-star e-mail address badge.

OPN/EFN, etc. said years ago one tenet was free/cheap access for the masses...
Today? Liberal pillars of society get "guaranteed" access over Joe and
Joann User and the POP's are limited to Lane Co. the county
you're on your own as you would be with QWorst or any other provider.

Free speech? Laughable....they'll roll over for an FBI inquiry faster than
the POTS providers....

  - jk
James S. Kaplan KG7FU
Eugene Oregon USA
ICQ # 1227639
Have YOU tried Linux today?

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