Anyone on the euglug-gamers list?  We should set up a local LAN and
play some parsec or something one LUG meeting.  Maybe rotate players
or something.  BYO OpenGL boxes (BYOOGL?)

Little Caesars has cheap pizza on Tuesday.  It was $2.99 for a medium,
but I think it's now $3.99.


> On 20010917.1833, mro said ...
> Consider the meetings back on at my place. I have no regrets for what I do. 
> As far as I care at this point my roommate can just as soon move out. Bring 
> on the geeks!! Hopefully you all know the routine by now. Things start 
> anytime after 6:30 and last until the sun begins to shine.... Well not quite 
> that late :-) Anyway, anybody know of some good pizza deals in town? See you 
> all here. Anybody needing instructions on how to get here don't be afraid to 
> ask. You all are welcome, just leave the politics at home. Nah, screw it, 
> bring you politics too just remember a few of us could care less. 
> Later.
> Mr O.
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Rob <rob_at_euglug_dot_net>
my @euglugCode = qw(v+++ e--- eug+ bsd+++ gnu+ S+++);

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