$199, and you can develop you own PS2 games!

Now for a few fun bits, from the FAQ at

Linux, also known as GNU Linux is a widely used operating system that
was developed under the Open Source development model. For more
information, please see http://www.linux.org/ 
 What is on the DVD discs ?

The PlayStation 2 Runtime Environment
PlayStation 2 System Manuals


The Linux operating system
Kernel version 2.2.1
Xfree86 X-Windows version 3.3.6 with support for PlayStation 2 Graphics
GCC 2.95.2 and GLIBC 2.2.2
An alpha version of Mesa 3D supporting limited graphics acceleration
PlayStation 2 Development Libraries, device drivers, tools and sample

 Is the PlayStation 2 specific hardware available under Linux (for
PlayStation 2)?
Yes. The PlayStation 2 System Manuals (provided) include detailed
specifications on the vector processing units VU0 and VU1, the DMA
Controller, the Emotion Engine CPU, the Graphics Synthesizer (GS) and
the IPU (MPEG decode assist). Software libraries, tools, device drivers,
source code and examples are provided to show how to access this

The PlayStation 2 contains a subsystem for operating peripherals and
audio including the SPU2 (Sound Processing Unit), the IOP, the HDD, the
DVD drive, controllers, memory cards, USB and other peripherals. The
hardware specification for these units is not disclosed. The Runtime
Environment provided on DISC 1 includes binary software device drivers
for controlling these hardware units. Source code for the Runtime
Environment is proprietary and will not be disclosed. However, DISC 2
contains Linux device drivers (with source code) which show how to
access all these devices through the Runtime Environment interface. This
gives the developer access to the functionality of all the devices but
not the complete hardware specification.

At this time, we have no plans to release an i.Link (1394) driver.
Ben Barrett
Software & Systems Engineer
Phone: 541.484.9235
Fax:  541.484.9193

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