On Fri, 8 Mar 2002, Bob Crandell wrote:

> Correction, that's MESSY.  I'm still working on it.  I'm beginning to think it
> requires an administrative arm that I can't afford yet.  It goes back to the idea
> of herding cats while presenting a professional image to the public.
> Seth Cohn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote*:
> >
> >P.P.S.  Regarding consulting co-ops, Yes, I'm
> >interested, and Bob Crandell and I were talking
> >about this for a while, and it was clear that it
> >could be very messy, depending on how it was
> >setup.

It seems to me as though a large part of it rests on each individual,
if you can't take responsibility for your jobs and for what you contracted
to do you would be letting down the client and and your fellows.

And then there is the issue of professional image, which is something not
all current members of EUGLUG are going to agree on. 

If we do go with something like a professional cooperative several
it would be something with a sharper boundary than Euglug, if only because
money would be involved.

On the other hand I think it would be well worth doing because if the
talents embodied in the current participation were unlocked and focused
we could do great things. 

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