Let's stop this thread right now.  Please continue off list if you like.
Ben, I'm sure no offense was meant.  Thank you for educating all of us
on the differences between multiplicity and schizophrenia, and on how
casual use of the terms is offensive.


On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 01:03:05PM -0800, Joseph Carter wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 17, 2003 at 11:53:57AM -0800, Ben Huot wrote:
> > I have Schizophrenia and I do not have multiple personalities.
> > Schizophrenia means a you are separated mentally from reality not that 
> > you are a multiplicity. You are using the term incorrectly and it is 
> > offensive. If it is not ok to use stereotypical racial comments than it 
> > is not ok to be derogatory about genetic medical conditions. Would you 
> > compare someone with developmental disability or cancer to some 
> > software? If you put even a small amount of the effort into being nice 
> > as you do working with Linux, than this wouldn't be a problem.
> WTH?  Stereotypes are (usually wrong) assumptions and classifications made
> of a certain person based on certain definable characteristics which has
> very little to do with the result.
> What you describe above is not a stereotype, but merely ignorance of the
> definition of a term.  Most people do not know that schizophrenia and MPD
> are not the same thing, in fact.  How could you possibly expect the
> average schmuck on the street to know what schizophrenia is and is not,
> given that such a person likely has no exposure to it, other than what
> they see in TV and movies which (in their own ignorance) tend to use both
> interchangably, leading to the current common misconception that they are
> indeed the same thing.
> How you can ascribe malice to this and take offense I don't know.  In
> order for there to be any sort of malice, one would have to assume that it
> was known already that schizophrenia was not in fact what was described
> here, which is highly unlikely at best.
> Advise getting a better grip on reality.  ;)
> -- 
> Joseph Carter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                    Only l33t on Thursdays
> <Teknix> our local telco has admitted that someone "backed into a
>          button on a switch" and took the entire ATM network down
> <netgod> hopefully now routers are designed better, so the "network
>          off" swtich is on the back
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