select GNU textutils commands attached
These were the only ones I could find that would be useful for me as a writer.


^ ^
(*) (*)
<= \ / =>
o o
/////////////////////////// \
/////////////////////////// %
/////////////////////////// @
/// /////////////// ///
\\ | | | //
\\ U U U //

Ben Huot

Text Utilites commands

on Linux, BSD and Cygwin

  1. Prepare file for print
    • Number Lines
      • nl inputfile > outputfile
    • Fix spacing of words and sentences
      • fmt -u inputfile > outputfile
    • split file into 10 line files
      • split -l 10 inputfile > outputfile
    • Double space text and put header HEADER on top
      • pr -d -h HEADER inputfile > outputfile
  2. Inspect files
    • see first 3 lines of files
      • head -n 3 inputfile > outputfile
    • word count
      • wc -w inputfile > outfputfile
    • compare two versions of similar file
      • sort file1 file2 | comm - - > outputfile
        • produces 3 columns
        • column 1 contains lines unique to file1
        • column 2 contains lines unique to file 2
        • column 3 contains lines common to both files
  3. Specialty
    • convert from lowercase to uppercase letters
      • tr a-z A-Z inputfile > outputfile

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