Title: [Eug-lug]alt.privacy note compares Linux to Windows Pr
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| Compared to windows what type of logs does linux keep of your activities?

Difficult question to answer conclusively. Linux is really just the
kernel, but is changing it's meaning to encompass the plethora of GNU
software that comes with it.

Most web browsers still have a file cache and site history.

BASH for example keeps a list of recently typed commands.

Both these however are stored in your user directory, are owned by you,
and can be deleted by you.

| For example does it use a registry system and keep track of the filenames
| recently created or viewed?

There is no registry in a Linux based system. Your desktop environment
will probably store details of files you access and so on. Again, these
history files can be easily deleted.

Is ERASING files easier? What file system does
| it use?

There are many file systems used by Linux systems. Ext2, Ext3, XFS and
Reiser to name a few. The magnetic media (the disk) is still the same,
so top secret information can only be suitably wiped by a type I or type
II degauss. But shredding of files is easier on Linux for one reason and
one reason only: the file system is an open standard. NTFS is not, it
has to be reverse engineered by enthusiastic people.

| I'm considering a move form windows as I'm tired of the comprehensive logs
| it keeps of what you are doing...some of which are impossible to remove or
| clean....

If you can't delete a file, you're not trying hard enough ;¬) Windows
locks system files so you can't delete them. There are a couple of ways
around this. You can boot to some other environment, Linux, DOS etc, and
delete / rename them from there. You can also use platform calls to mark
the files for renaming at the next boot.

Of course, cleaning the registry is a whole different ball game.

- --


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