On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 07:44:00PM -0800, Horst wrote:
> Ben, you put together some interesting thoughts and links (I just
>finished the motherjones article and had to resist the temptation of
>quoting about half of it right here.
> Instead, let's get concrete and ask the best ISP in town (EFN) a few
>~~~~~~~~~~~~~ for EFN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> - Have your records, logs, etc. ever been subpoenaed ? 

On two occasions that i recall, we have been presented with court orders
requesting information about members ; one was a search warrant served by
a sherriff's deputy, and one was a subpoena duces tecum.  We have had 
several other threats/demands that never resulted in delivered paperwork.

> - Are you legally able, and willing to comment on such issues ?
> (I understand, that's pretty generally phrased (I am not a lawyer) -maybe
>EFN has some general policy on the subject that is public ? )

Our general policy is that we will comply with valid court orders, and
will not reveal private information without one.

> - For how long are dialup logs kept (the userID-dynIP-timestamp
>connection) ?

About 90 days, unless we need to cycle the logs sooner.  Some will also appear
in the backup tapes for a further 90 days.

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~ end for EFN ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety 
deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759.

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